December 24, 2010

The Awesome Hall of Fame and The Hall of Total Bullshit

Awesome Hall of Fame: Black Santa
Where are you, Black Santa? Why are you so elusive during the holiday season? Could it be because white Santa is taking all the fucking jobs?
Hall of Total Bullshit - "Auto-Tune"
Wow. Now you can make yourself sound exactly like a robot that sucks shit!
Awesome Hall of Fame:Quaaludes 
Anyone remember Quaaludes ? I don't. If you've ever done these, congratulations you're old. I was listening to "Bikeage," this morning when I thought of them. Anyhow they sound delicious. Can I get a "lid" of "grass" with that please?

Hall of Total Bullshit: Grooming
I think it's funny when people say, "what's with all the beards?" Dude... What's with shaving?
Awesome Hall of Fame: Nurse Jackie
I bet she'd know where to get some Quaaludes.

Hall of Total Bullshit: Nutrasweet
Tastes nutra-shitty!
Awesome Hall of Fame: "The Way of The Samurai"
Mifune = radness.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Cloth Towel dispenser
I'm sorry but you have to be fucking joking.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Barfly
A holiday classic. To all my frieeeends!
Hall of Total Bullshit: Carnival Rides
I know what you're thinking; why wouldn't I trust rickety, rusted, creaking, ancient contraptions, that can easily be disassembled and folded up into the back of a truck in about 8 minutes by transient ex-cons I can only assume are drunk or stoned? Sorry, carnies, but if I wouldn't want you sitting on my couch, I'm not trusting you with my family's life.