June 10, 2010

The Awesome Hall of Fame And The Hall of Total Bullshit

"Every day I get more pissed. Slit my wrist, slit my wrist."

Awesome Hall of Fame: David Icke
Before I listened to this fruitcake, I never realized how much the Reptoids and Repitilians were fucking with my shit. Fuck off, Illuminati!
Hall of Total Bullshit: Fake Tan
Okay, so there's this lady I see at the bus stop who has a total "fake and bake," tan. It's weird cause you can tell she's totally into, "being pretty," with her nails all done up and her clickety-clack heels, but the thing is; she's fucking orange! I'm not sure if I should mention this to her or not.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Ear-splitting, Face-melting, Pants-shitting Volume!!!
Sometimes you just feel like getting your whole fuckin' head melted off, know what I mean?
Huh? Did you just say something? Sorry could you repeat that?
Hall of Total Bullshit: Political Bumper Sticker
"I'm an Asshole - Key My Car."
"My Child is an Honor Student at Key My Car Elementary."
Awesome Hall of Fame: Cheese in a motherfuckin' can, motherfuckers!
Hall of Total Bullshit: Female Condom

How the fuck does this thing work again? Hey, is that a weird plastic ring hanging out of your vagina or are you just glad to see me?
Awesome Hall of Fame: Diner Breakfast
Try to be hung over when you eat this. It makes it better.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Elephantitis of the Nuts
"We've got the biggest balls of them all!"
Awesome Hall of Fame: Tux Shirt
Hall of Total Bullshit: Che Guevera
I understand you were a pretty righteous revolutionary dude, but Rage Against The Machine managed to make you officially lame. Sorry man, go talk to Leonard Peltier.