"The badge means you suck, a child lays there dead. When you look back, what goes through your head?"
Simply the best. If there is some type of supreme being, controlling our humble universe, I want ask why he felt the need to call upon Frank Frazetta and Dio at almost exactly the same time? Is this part of some larger plan?
Hall of Total Bullshit: Can-Con
In case you were wondering, this is the reason we have Nickelback, The Barenaked Ladies Our Lady
Peace & Brian Adams to name a few. It's also why you are guaranteed to hear the same couple of songs by Rush, The Tragically Hip, Loverboy, April Wine, Kim Mitchell or Guess Who songs on a constant rotation at least once per hour on classic rock radio. It's not because someone at that station likes them especially; It's because it's actually the law.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Java Jacket
Even the idea that someone invented this is completely ridiculous, yet now, whenever I don't have one, I automatically think, "How the fuck am I going to pick up this hot cup of coffee without burning living shit out of myself?"
I bet the guy who invented these is richer than God.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Mothballs
Moths hate these because they stink. So, who's actually the idiot?
Awesome Hall of Fame: "The Kids"
Yes, Milo (left) and Violet (right) are actually shaking hands. If this were much cuter, I might actually start to hemorrhage.
Okay, so you made a bunch of spanking videos a hundred years ago. Why do I care about you again?
Oh, wait: I don't.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Scented Poop Bag
Awesome Hall of Fame: Tourettes
If I had to have a serious neurological disorder I'd want it to be one that made me tell everyone to suck my ass, and get away with it.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Faux-hawk
Most retarded haircut ever. I bet this guy could go for an ice-cold Zima right about now.