September 24, 2010

The Awesome Hall of Fame And The Hall of Total Bullshit

"If your nose needs picking then go ahead. Don't flick the boogies, eat them instead."
Awesome Hall of Fame: Porta-Potty Urinal
I'd even forgoe nominating this as "Most Useful Invention Of The Century," and just nominate the motherfucker who came up with it for the Nobel Prize.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Guyliner
Dear mascara-wearing man; my objection to you has nothing to do with a lack of security in my masculinity and everything to do with you looking like a total dipshit. Signed yours truly.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Kittens In Cups
Even though the one on the left looks like it's starting to get pissed off, I have no idea why someone didn't think to do this sooner.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Brussel Sprouts
I don't care what anyone says, these taste like shit.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Can Ladies
If you aren't sure who I'm talking about, try putting a pop can down anywhere in East Vancouver and one will magically appear. They will sneak into your yard, jump your fence and risk life and limb by any other means necessary to grab that potential 5 cents. If you ask them to put your full can down cause it's not finished or say they need to buy something at the liquor store to return cans, they will instantly forget even the most basic English. I saw one once shrug blankly at a sign, written in every conceivable Asian dialect at a store, claiming, I guess, that she had no understanding of any language.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Waterbed
What sort of chemical did someone have to ingest before inventing this stupid thing?
People who insist that they like have sex on waterbeds can't possibly understand physics. Oh, and forget about getting up for a piss with someone sleeping beside you. All the stuff inside shifts and dumps them onto the floor. Sneaking out after an ill-advised rendez-vous? Impossible! Look's like you're staying for breakfast!
Awesome Hall of Fame: Beard Papa 
Pretty much makes "Krispy Kreme," his bitch.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Body Works
Fascinating, I know but how much creepier could this "Max-Von-Sydow-in-the-Exorcist,"
 looking motherfucker possibly be? Especially since it was revealed that some of his bodies were bought in bulk from countries with questionable human rights policies. Are you a student protestor in somewhere in China? Well now you might be not only executed by your fascist government, but displayed for all eternity with your skin peeled off, kicking a soccer ball, with your nutsack cut in half.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Harry Dean Stanton
Just because.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Tramp Stamp
Unless you have one of about three jobs I can think of, getting one of these just acknowledges that your butt will probably be hanging out of your pants a lot.