"Maggots in the eye of love won't copulate."
Awesome Hall of Fame: Peru
That's Bobby Peru. Like the country.
Hall of Total Bullshit: The Cobalt Is History
It's been a few months since Vancouver's most hollowed punk-rock dive since the Smilin' Buddha closed it's doors for good. To be honest, I wasn't much of a regular over last few years, mainly because they booked way too many annoying grind-core bands.
Still, I have many, many fond memories of this place. At least when my daughter is old enough to ask "where did you and mom meet?" I'll be able to stay, "at the Cobalt, sweet pea, it used to be right where that condo is now.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Beer KoozieThe only civilized way to drink in public. Keeps your beer cold, hides it from the cops, keeps it from sliding off the dashboard while you're driving.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Downtown Eastside Connect Kiosk
A better name for this house of lies would actually be "The Hall of Total Bullshit".
Never mind the enormous tent city literally right across the street. All our homeless people have been totally housed.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
Actually a real place.
Hall of Total Bullshit: My Downstairs Neighbors
Wow. Do you not have a job? Do you not know that blasting the world's shittiest techno music right below my bedroom every night of the week after 10pm disturbs me? Or do you not care? That makes you either an idiot or a bastard.
Actually a real place.
Hall of Total Bullshit: My Downstairs Neighbors
Wow. Do you not have a job? Do you not know that blasting the world's shittiest techno music right below my bedroom every night of the week after 10pm disturbs me? Or do you not care? That makes you either an idiot or a bastard.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Shar Pei Puppy
Awwww! Poor little puppy! Your skin doesn't fit you yet. You look just like that frigging towel you're laying on. Cute city.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Black Jellybean
Put me in the same category as John Mayer's David Duke penis when it comes to jellybeans. I just don't dig the blacks. I don't hate them or anything. I just want them to be separate. They just so ... different.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Wikipedia
Remember thinking? Or the need to ... remember ... stuff? Me neither! Who cares if it may not completely accurate or verified in any real way. It's still the best for settling drunken bets and doing ... uh ... research for your ... uh ... blog or whatever.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Urinal With Ice In it
Why are you there? It's sort of fun to pee on you and watch you melt but what is your actual purpose?
Answer me!!!!
Why are you there? It's sort of fun to pee on you and watch you melt but what is your actual purpose?
Answer me!!!!