"You're makin' out with school kids, winos and heads of state.
You even made it with the lady, who puts the little plastic bobbins on the Christmas cakes."
You even made it with the lady, who puts the little plastic bobbins on the Christmas cakes."
Otherwise known as the former Mr. Shania Twain, this piece of shit is responsible for taking suckage to new heights in the 80's and beyond. Let's have a look at the charges against him ...
Helped Make AC/DC dumber
Aside from the Boomtown Rats and Savoy Brown, Mutt really came to the world's attention when he took over AC/DC's production duties from Vanda and Young starting with the album "Highway to Hell." He did a good job. Phil Rudd's drums sound gargantuan and the performances, notably Bon Scott's, are incredible. The most noticeable shift is from bratty humor to leering, obvious sexual material.
I hear Mutt's influence most on "Touch Too Much," a song that reminds me of Bryan Adams who Mutt would work with later and treats us to the line "she wanted it hard, she wanted it fast, she liked it done medium rare." I don't even know what that means but it grosses me out.
From there he helped shove AC/DC from the Bon Scott era into the era of lunk-headed arena rock with "Back In Black,"and "For Those About To Rock". They are the best non-Bon albums but also where I officially stop caring about AC/DC. They've re-hashed the same formula ever since.
Aided and Abetted Def Leppard's World Domination
Q: What has seven arms and sucks?
A: Def Leppard
Mutt was more than the band's producer, he was the Svengali of their slick, soul-less pop metal.
Theyset a standard in the 80's for which there was no turning back.
Forget False Metal, Helped Create False Rock
Foreigner, Loverboy. Remember them? They sucked and they dominated. This is the kind of shit that made me think I hated music back in the 80's."Heavy? On FM radio, Foreigner was heavy. It was either listen to that or Madonna. Take your pick.
Oh, Bryan Adams. I hate your voice as much as I hate you looking at your pock-marked face. Mutt shoved your music up my ass eight ways from Sunday and Con-con helped him do it.
He helped write "Everything I Do I Do It For You," and "Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman," two of the most annoying and conceited love songs in history. "I...I...I," only I know how to love a woman properly, etc. Good job writing a love song about yourself.
Co-Wrote A Bunch of Shitty Songs
Co-wrote "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You" by Heart. I hate any song that uses the term "making love." I hate any person who uses the term making love, actually. Mutt perfected this gruff yet sensitive pseudo-rock with Michael Bolton, Billy Ocean, and Huey Lewis.
Penned tunes with Reba McIntyre and helped Billy Ray Cyrus write "Only God (Could Stop Me Loving You)" Wow, I wonder if that song blows.
Eventually pandered down to Anne Murray Celine Dion and the Backstreet Boys.

Masterminded The Shania Twain Explosion
Penned tunes with Reba McIntyre and helped Billy Ray Cyrus write "Only God (Could Stop Me Loving You)" Wow, I wonder if that song blows.
Eventually pandered down to Anne Murray Celine Dion and the Backstreet Boys.

Masterminded The Shania Twain Explosion
I don't know why Shania Twain's music doesn't offend me quite as much as some of Mutt's other projects. Maybe because she doesn't have a Michael Bolton husky voice or pretend to be playing rock music. It's new country, which by definition is bad so, with that in mind, it's not as annoying. It's still pretty annoying though, I've gotta tell you. Anyhow Mutt produced all her crap and then went ahead and married her but she divorced him. Ha!

Cemented his eternal douche-cred by producing Nickelback.
This an actual conversation I've had;
"What's that band from Canada that sucks?"
Me: "Nickelback?"
"Yeah, that's it."
Mutt co-wrote a song called "Something In Your Mouth," which I've not had the pleasure of hearing at this moment, but which I'm almost certain is about blowjobs. Yeccch. The something in my mouth is barf. Thanks a lot for putting in there.
Mutt, you set the standard for glossy, soul-less production after which there was no turning back.
(Incidentally, I wonder if you and Steve Albini were ever put in the same room together, you'd actually repel each other like magnets and both go flying across the room.)
(Incidentally, I wonder if you and Steve Albini were ever put in the same room together, you'd actually repel each other like magnets and both go flying across the room.)
You've written, or helped write, some of the most nauseating "makin' love," ballads in history and made the eighties a living hell for me and everyone I know.
Go to hell, Mutt Lange. I hate you.