"I say buzz, buzz, buzz and it's just because..."
Awesome Hall of Fame: G20 Resistance
I never thought I'd say this, but way to show the rest of Canada how it's done, Toronto
This little "Cop-Car-beque" seems more than deserved, after the Toronto PD essentially declared war on their own citizens, brutally assaulting countless unarmed, peaceful protesters. Youtube it. It's disgusting.

Hall of Total Bullshit: Dude with Ponytail
Look, I can understand that a long-haired person might have a good reason to tie their hair back from time to time, like operating a band-saw or working at a deep-fryer. But if you wear your hair in a ponytail more that 20% of the time or for a reason purely aesthetic rather than practical, you are a totally annoying piece of shit and I hate you.
Awesome Hall of Fame: French-Toast Jesus
If I were Jesus, I would definitely return to the earth in french-toast form. Yum!
Hall of Total Bullshit: Wreck Beach
Like saggy old man balls? Enjoy!
Awesome Hall of Fame: Cock Sauce
Tastes as good as it sounds.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Bike Shorts
Does spandex make you so much more aerodynamic that we need to clearly see the outline of your junk? Is wind-resistance such a detriment to your cycling experience? Grab some shame.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Death Race 2000
Roger Corman's Citizen Kane.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Suicide Girls
Wow! It's just like porn with more piercings and tattoos so it's more "emo." That's ... stupid.
I bet you all have a stupid name like "Blayze," or "Rayven," or "Anastasya," with a whole bunch of extraneous "z's" and "y's," in it.
"What's that you say? Fall Out Boy is your favorite punk band? That's super. Go huff a bullet, please."
I bet you all have a stupid name like "Blayze," or "Rayven," or "Anastasya," with a whole bunch of extraneous "z's" and "y's," in it.
"What's that you say? Fall Out Boy is your favorite punk band? That's super. Go huff a bullet, please."
Awesome Hall of Fame: Jager Bomb
Let's break this one down, if we may; Red Bull? Disgusting. Jagermeister? - an acquired taste. I had a real soft spot for this strange German elixir, until it flooded the North American market, making me and everyone else, sick of it. Then Jager began sponsoring every terrible metal band known to man. (Mudvayne anyone?)
Still, for some reason, if you drop a shot of Jagermeister into glass of Red Bull, I will drink it every single time.
Hall of Total Bullshit: CGI
Sorry, CGI, you always look fake as hell. Whatever happened to using good old-fashioned Muppets, the way God intended.