October 20, 2010

Name Your Poison: Sex

"He's a pistol-grip shiftin' and a lightening rod hammer step.He always busts his knuckles when he's wrenching up his shit."
In the words of the great Sleazy P. Martini, "What good is all the violence in the world unless it is tempered with limitless sex?" Agreed. Mr. Martini also went on to observe that, when you are in France, you do indeed pull down your pants.
Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Auteur of  the classic song "I Put a Spell On You," he obviously never put a condom on himself. He holds the distinction of having the largest number of illegitimate children of any modern day musician(somewhere between 57 and 75) after carelessly tossing his seed throughout North America. Not bad for a dude with a bone through his nose.
George Michael
Hey, what the big deal? Just 'cause the guy makes a habit of receiving anonymous sexual favors in public restrooms? Is that such a crime? What's everyone getting so uptight about?
Motley Crue
Fun fact: in addition to shoving drugs into every imaginable orifice and dating skanky porn chicks, these guys also found time to make some really terrible records!
R. Kelly
"R." was probably trying earn some extra points for creativity, by combining sex tapes, statutory rape and golden showers. Tres bien, monsieur.
Chuck Berry
I hate to break it to anyone who's opinion of Chuck Berry didn't suffer enough after watching "Hail Hail Rock 'n' Roll," but Chuck was into "scat," in a serious way ... and I don't mean the jazz vocal style.
Tim Bachman
Oh how the mighty have fallen .. Who knew the "business," this BTO member was taking care of was with an eleven year old. I mean, might expect this type of behaviour from Burton Cummings but come on...
Gene Simmons
This poster-boy for genital warts never met a vagina he didn't want to put his disgusting thing inside of. I can only imagine how many of his "conquests," asked him to keep the make-up on.
Kim Fowley
I don't know how the man does it but, somehow, The Runaways' former Svengali manages to be 100 times creepier than almost anyone on this list. I don't even know the specific details of his personal life and wouldn't want to...
Factoid: Listening to his voice on his radio show reveals that he has a strange croak, nearly identical to Larry Flynt, no doubt proof that syphilis corrodes the vocal chords
Of course his official explanation of this facebook-photo gaffe is that he was teaching these underaged girls to read but make no mistake; this bloated, self-righteous fuck likes to play ball whether there's grass on the field or not.
Gary Glitter
Reigning champion of creepy pervs and composer of the now-all-too-ironic "Do You Wanna Touch Me,"  Gary forgot to erase the thousands of volumes of child pornography from his computer before he sent it in for repair, then after his career was ruined, moved to Vietnam to pursue molestation full time before landing himself in prison. Hope he got to bring the shiny suit with him. "Rock 'n' roll, rock 'n' ro - oll, Hey!"