February 20, 2010

The Awesome Hall of Fame & The Hall of Total Bullshit

"All I wanted was a Pepsi."
Awesome Hall of Fame: Dog Halloween
I understand that this is technically animal abuse but look at the little fake dangling arms! I can hardly stand it! Sure he'll probably pay you back by taking a big dump in your shoes tomorrow morning or bite you in the face but look how cute the little shithead is right now.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Muffin Top
I don't want to contribute to anyone's negative body-image but, for everyone's sake, can you  keep your Crisco inside your pants please?
Awesome Hall of Fame: Whoever put the soap in the fountain at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Mad props.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Bike on the sidewalk
I feel much the same way about bikes on the sidewalk as I do beached whales. Both flounder awkwardly outside of their habitat. If you see someone with a bicycle on the sidewalk, do the only humane thing, help them return to their natural environment and give them a gentle push back into the road where they belong.
Awesome Hall of Fame: Rip Torn
Obviously. Found drunk? With a gun? Inside a bank? Sounds about right.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Ecstasy
Let me get this straight; I can take a pill that will keep me awake for 12 hours, sweating and grinding my teeth, that will make me dance like an asshole to bad music and really, really like people I would normally be annoyed by? I dunno ... can it make me horny and impotent at the same time? Okay, then count me in!

Awesome Hall of Fame: Summer
Fuck off Winter. Go to hell, Fall. Nice try Spring but you're just not making it for me. Picnics, beers in the park, beers on the beach. Beers anywhere pretty much. Fuck off, snow.
Hall of Total Bullshit: Waxed Mustache
Awesome Hall of Fame: Skullet
Know what's better than giving a fuck? Totally not giving a fuck!
Just because you're harshly thinning on the top doesn't mean you can't rock it out Devin Townsend style.
Party in the back ... nothing in the front!
Hall of Total Bullshit: Bouncers
I understand you are just doing you job but your job is to be a total asshole. I hope you get dick cancer.