February 11, 2010

Welcome To Vancouver - Cop-Land!

"What could a business man ever want more. Than to have us sucking in his store."

There are so many pigs in Vancouver right now it is like a nightmare come true. They are shipping them in by the bus load from places like ... Central Sandwich (?). I'm pretty sure some of these places are made up. Kawartha Lake?What the hell is that? Not actually a real place. Waddaya think of that?
Wow. Cameras everywhere, no parking . A special Olympics lane only official IOC goons can drive in and the ubiquitous white cars (or cars of various colors now) emblazoned with the Olympic Pac-Man logo. The helicoptars I hear all night long are giving me Vietnam flashbacks.

Oh, and here are some of the many cameras watching us all.
And here's some more cops!
More fucking signs.
Cops again.


Get me out of here.