February 8, 2010

The Earth's Greatest Album Covers. Ever!!!!!! Black Sabbath - Born Again

"Here comes Johnny Yen again. With the liquor and drugs."

Black Sabbath - Born Again
This little nipper was conceived by accident - no pun intended. Designer Steve Joule wanted to end his association with Sabbath and their manager, Don Arden, and go on to design albums for Arden's daughter Sharon and her future husband, Ozzy Osbourne, exclusively.
It was put together, according to Joule, under the influence of "A bottle of Jack Daniels and the filthiest speed that money could buy on the streets of South East London."
Unfortunately for Steve, Tony and Geezer approved the cover anyway.
On to the work itself; note the contrast of obnoxious primary colors. I think that, much like a lunar eclipse, this image will fuck up your eyes if you look at it for too long. Amazing!